picturespost: Expressing Beautiful Art Through Sand And Earth


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Expressing Beautiful Art Through Sand And Earth

Most people have probably written in the sand several times, whether it was in the sandbox in kindergarden or on a beach during a summer vacation. But artist and surfer Jim Denevan has taken the sand writing to a whole new level. He uses a simple driftwood stick to create large-scale beach drawings that is mostly geometric circles and shapes.
He plays with his imagination and improvises on empty beaches and even other flat areas and fields on earth. Denevan can be working up to 7 hours a day walking about 30 miles creating amazing patterns. “When I’m doing a drawing, I’m personifying the place that is empty”, the artist says himself.

His beach art always ends up getting washed away by the tide water at the end of the day, but that doesn’t make him sad, because it’s just preparing the area to be drawn by another pattern the next day.