


Rovers Return trashed

 Sparks will fly next month as Jason Grimshaw celebrates his 28th birthday at the pub when festivities take a downward turn when Frank Foster and Chris Gray face off against one another.

Before long, other regulars wade into the row, with Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall), Tommy Duckworth (Chris Fountain) and Owen Armstrong (Ian Puleston-Davies) all throwing punches – while Becky McDonald (Katherine Kelly) even gets hit by the stripper hired for Jason’s party.
Becky’s husband, pub landlord Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) arrives midway through the row to see smashed windows and broken chairs and is stunned by the wreckage.
A source told The Sun newspaper: “The Rovers has been the scene for lots of punch-ups in the past.
“Usually there’s always someone on hand to drag the fighters apart – until now.
“This will be the first time that a brawl anything like on this scale has broken out.”
It has not been revealed what sparks the huge fight.
(C) BANG Media International

Source : Yahoo News