Walk in Cigar Humidor
Swiss manufacturer Michel Perrenoud, S.A. have developed a compact walk in cigar humidor. Originally designed for hotels and cigar bars, but easily adaptable for a private residence. The first installation was in the Lausanne Palace hotel. The modular walk-in interior has complete humidity control and will hold up to 10,000 cigars.
Price – a bargain at just $83,000 – plus shipping and installation.
Coffee Table by David Lloyd Thompson
David Lloyd Thompson creates one-of-a-kind coffee tables, amongst other furniture art and his tagline is “expect the very best.” No question they are unique.
Price – this particular table is cast in epoxy with 20 coats of finish with Mono-printed oil on canvas laminated on the table base and top panel - $50,000
Glass fireplace by Bloch Design
Bloch design make custom glass fireplaces and contemporary furniture made from a variety of materials including tinted or colorless glass and with over 3200 different colors of metal along with Brass, steel, stainless steel, titanium, corten, stone, granite, marbles, corian, seashells and wood. Gas or wood burning options.
Price – From $20,000 upwards depending on specifications.
Digital Picture Frame by Hyundai
Of course, there are digital picture frames, and there are digital picture frames. This particular model by Korean manufacturer Hyundai could more appropriately be called a room divider and features a crane flying between panels.
Price – an estimated $70,000
Panic Room
For the rich and scared, GMS UK install panic rooms constructed with reinforced steel sheeting, eight-inch concrete walls and only one opening with a steel door and special locking systems, equipped with a video monitor, separate telephone line or mobile phone, communication system, fresh air supply and heating, first aid kit, fire extinguishers and alarm keypad all powered by a small generator and emergency lighting in the event of disconnection of power supply and many more.
Price – varies as specifications vary so widely
Hi-Fi system
No self respecting luxury home would be without a decent Hi-Fi system. Kharma will be happy to fulfill your needs. Amongst other products, Kharma sell possibly the most expensive speakers ever built.
Price – $1,000,000
Limestone gallery in London offer bespoke bathrooms and other interior décor made from a variety of natural materials. This particular bathroom features a solid Ivory Stone bathtub carved from a single piece of stone. Possibly the most exceptional bathroom fittings ever made.
Price – this one is at the lower end of their range and sells for around $70,000 for the entire bathroom. A single bath tub can cost as much as $140,000 – just for the bath tub.
This Swarovski crystal studded toilet is certainly an eye catcher. Designed by Jemal Wright, this is from the “Isis” range of bathroom fittings and is either fully or partially handset with Swarovski crystals – “the epitome of bathroom couture,” according to the designer.
Price - $75,000
Another Swarovski crystal studded appliance – this time - a fridge. Perhaps a little more taste and a little less “couture,” with this one – and, not entirely covered in crystals. Available in limited numbers from Harrods of London.
Price - $20,000
BeefEater offer a modular approach to BBQs, with possibly the most expensive barbeque in the world. According to the website, the Ivis outdoor kitchen centre is the ultimate in outdoor entertaining.
Price – around $50,000
Home Theater System
Of course, like the digital photo frames, there are Home Theater systems and there are Home Theater Systems. This particular model is offered by Frankentek and comes in as one of the most expensive home theater systems.
Price – around $800,000 depending on specifications
Designer Washing Machine
This Samsung washing machine has apparently been styled by a Korean fashion designer - Andre Kim. Far be it for me to cast aspersions, but it’s fair to say, Mr. Kim designs a better wedding gown than he does washing machine. And would you really want this level of "luxury," in the laundry room - very nice gold
Washing Macine price - $unknown
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Most Expensive Luxury Interiors.....
Posted by Danny on Friday, November 21, 2008 //