Grab yourself a cold one and while you’re at it, get one for your four legged friend as well. After all, they probably get tired of drinking out of the toilet bowl all day. It’s the 20 Awesomest Drunk Animals running err, stumbling your way.
He may only weigh 12 lbs, but he can drink with the best of them
Not only does this crab drink Jim Beam, but he also gets in bar fights and exercises his 2nd Amendment rights
Your Easter basket may be late this year, bunny’s got a killer hangover
“Fill me up, good sir. Yeeeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about”
Beer is even more addictive for cats than the finest cat nip
Our canine friends lack opposable thumbs, so we gotta help them get their drink on
Do cats still always land on their feet after a good beer buzz?
That’s right, dog, you just got iced!
Yes, the proper reaction is “Awww”
Keepin’ it classy with a nice glass of chardonnay, bitches
I like to think that if a chimp did have an apt, he’d have a banana picture on the wall
Just another Friday night chillin at home watching Animal Planet with a cold one
While all the other squirrels were hording nuts, this guy gut drunk and laid
Remember, alcohol and Playstation can be a crutch for cats too
Mr. Bananas became the inspiration for Skynyrd’s “Whiskey Rock A Roller”
Drunk and on Facebook, no good can come of this
Don’t expect him to take the Kentucky Derby this year
Mother nature is about to take another bad apple out of the gene pool
A definite step up from stale bread crumbs for this duck
Does your local bar have drinking horses? … That’s what I thought