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Home , � olivia wilde bradley cooper

olivia wilde bradley cooper

 Bradley Cooper and Olivia Wilde were flirty and inseparable at Monday's Cinema Society afterparty for The Hangover II, held at NYC's Standard Hotel Sunday night.
Cooper (who split from Renee Zellweger after two years in March) and Wilde (who filed for divorce from Tao Ruspoli in March after eight years together) arrived together at the the VIP bash. After Cooper, 35, briefly schmoozed the crowd, he joined Wilde, 27, at a VIP table with another couple. The actor and House: MD beauty had an "intimate conversation," according to eyewitnesses.
A smiling Cooper was "really enjoying the conversation," one witness reveals, as Wilde kept her hand on the back of his seat. The duo chit-chatted with a few other guests -- she with actor Patrick Wilson, he with a flirty model and Hangover 2 costar Zach Galifiankis -- but the duo never left one another's side throughout the night.
Just before 1 a.m., Cooper, Wilde and a small group boarded a black Escalade -- headed for an unknown destination.
"The mark of a good marriage is partnership and continuing to feel inspired by your spouse. I had that with Tao," Wilde told Glamour of her union with Italian Prince Ruspoli. "But the end is not necessarily the tragedy. Staying in a relationship that is no longer working is the tragedy. Living unhappily -- that's the tragedy."