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Home , � Casey Anthony Trial

Casey Anthony Trial

 Casey Anthony has a trial date as jury selection began in the high-profile case May 9. Anthony is accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee in the summer of 2008 in Florida. Several key witnesses will testify in the case as to the events leading up to Anthony's grand jury indictment for first degree murder in Orange County, Fla. Here are some key names to remember in the trial of Anthony.
Casey Anthony
Casey Anthony was 22 in June 2008 when her two-year-old daughter Caylee went missing. Anthony originally told her mother that she last saw Caylee after she dropped her off with a babysitter. The same day, June 9, Anthony moved out of her parents' house.
The Orlando Sentinel reports the next few months in the life of Anthony were hectic. She was in and out of jail for forgery, writing bad checks, filing a false report and petty theft. Oct. 14, 2008, saw the indictment of first-degree murder handed down. Two months later, Caylee's body was found a quarter-mile from her grandparents' home.
Cindy Anthony
Casey Anthony's mother, Cindy, made the first report of Caylee's disappearance to the authorities. Investigation Discovery asserts Caylee's grandmother called 9-1-1 July 15 and then a day later Casey was arrested. Cindy Anthony's exact words were that "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."
The Anthony family was also key in getting Casey arrested numerous times before she was indicted for murder. Cindy Anthony alleged her daughter took thousands of dollars and borrowed the family car without permission.